CSS The Advanced Web

So I have started my final assignment in the advance module for Cascading Style Sheets, and is it ever cool.

The further into this course the more I understand how the net is built how it works, the unlimited creative boundaries with their technical limits and work around.

My final project is actually is multiple dimensional project.  Not only will it serve to fulfill my school requirements but will also, possibly develop into a real living web page.

My project page is called the Highlander recruiting Station.  The LogoIt will showcase our local Highland Infantry Battalion, to which I am a member.  So here is the second dimension.  It will be my project and than I will showcase it back to my unit.

I have done some market research, previewing the site with other members an have received some positive an constructive feedback.  I have reviewed what little is on the net.  What is out there is ok, good when it was posted back in 07.  My suggestion is to build a living and breathing modern site that continues to breath as new update content is added onto it.

My project is focusing on the recruiting side of thins but I really see this an opportunity to develop many different facets of our unit.  We would showcase who we are, our history and our path to the future.  We have a museum that is awe-inspiring and tells our story, it needs a home online.

I have started the process and I am well into it.  A valuable lesson that I have learned during this project is that my time estimate skills at this point are ummm lets say off.   I know exactly what I want and a pretty good idea what code I need to make it happen.  It’s not that simple.  It’s not bad just not as cut and dry.

So back to the grind stone.  It’s coming along and I like it.

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2 Responses to CSS The Advanced Web

  1. Tammy Hamoline says:

    Hey Jason,

    It is great to hear how well you are progressing with the course. It gets me all excited for when I get to that part of the course. 😉

    Just some constructive critism? I noticed that your spelling in your blog has many errors, along with your alt tag for your logo. You may want to pay a little more attention to those areas as our readers tend to see those errors and potential employers will see this as a weakness in your skills. Other than that, I am really happy to hear that this project is putting your skills to work! 🙂


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